Intelligence - Contribute
There is investment and there is risk. They are willing to take the risk because of the potential reward. But how do you invest time and effort in something new when the reward is not as defined as in the business example? Learning to ride a bicycle is not easy, not fun and not a good way of getting anywhere. The learning period is hard work. But when you have learned how to ride a bicycle you enjoy it and get to places faster.
Some people contribute and some people are passive. Being passive may be a choice based on a full experience of contributing and not contributing. Being passive may be basd on the choice of "laziness" as a low-hassle state. Being passive may also be based on lack of experience of the joy of contributing. Contribution can get rid of the boredom an dgive the plus of involvement and achievement.
The choice is between being passive and contributing. You can contribute to yourself, to those around you or to the world at large. Being passive is like being a cork floating in a stream. You go wherever the stream takes you. Contributing is like being in a canoe on the stream. You can go where you want or let the stream take you.
There is a joy in achievement. There is a joy in making things happen. That is why most gardeners garden. This is something that a person has done and can stand back and see the difference he has made to the world.
Wisdom is often pictured as passive, contemplative and reflective. There is the wise old person who sits and observes the world. If asked, this person will seek to pass on the accumulated wisdom of a lifetime. There is no reason why wisdom should not be active and contribute. Wisdom is not only a matter of adjusting to a difficult world, but also a contribution to improving the world.
Some people contribute and some people are passive. Being passive may be a choice based on a full experience of contributing and not contributing. Being passive may be basd on the choice of "laziness" as a low-hassle state. Being passive may also be based on lack of experience of the joy of contributing. Contribution can get rid of the boredom an dgive the plus of involvement and achievement.
The choice is between being passive and contributing. You can contribute to yourself, to those around you or to the world at large. Being passive is like being a cork floating in a stream. You go wherever the stream takes you. Contributing is like being in a canoe on the stream. You can go where you want or let the stream take you.
There is a joy in achievement. There is a joy in making things happen. That is why most gardeners garden. This is something that a person has done and can stand back and see the difference he has made to the world.
Wisdom is often pictured as passive, contemplative and reflective. There is the wise old person who sits and observes the world. If asked, this person will seek to pass on the accumulated wisdom of a lifetime. There is no reason why wisdom should not be active and contribute. Wisdom is not only a matter of adjusting to a difficult world, but also a contribution to improving the world.
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