Life - Principles
1. Everyone Manifests - Everyone thinks that the principal thing to the tree is the fruit, but in point of fact the principal thing to it is the seed. You are the fruit of the thoughts you have planted and nourished. If you want a better harvest, you must plant better thoughts. Poor thoughts will not produce prosperity. Thoughts are things and every though has a consequence. Each thought is a pebble dropped into the pond of your life - the ripples are real. Te more intense the thought, the more powerful the outcome.
2. Live life above the line, learn it - If we get beyond blaming and justifying (Example will be "I would have gotten the job done except that I had travelled all night yesterday and I was too tired to focus on the project today." This is just another form of blaming), there is another level of suboptimal learning. Instead of blaming another person or the circumstance, we blame ourselves. This too reduces the opportunity of learning. Life is a succession of choices. As much as possible is learned from each situation. As a result, the next choice is more likely to be wiser.
3. Abundance is the nature - The universe is fundamentally abundant. There is no shortage, except in our own mind. Who can absorb all the abundance of a magnificent sunset? Abundance means great supply, plentitude, sufficiency, more than enough. Once you own the principle, the results that follow must be abundant. Abundant thinking multiplies, magnetizes, and magnifies whatever is focused upon. As abundance is the nature, nobody can consume all.
4. Givers get - He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
5. Wealth is freedom - Life is a seminar and you were enrolled at birth. You can't get out of it, even by dying. So enjoy it.
i) Time freedom - Your work is your play and your play becomes your work. You feel comfortable and calm taking time off.
ii) Relationship freedom - You and your loved one will have love and time to explore it.
iii) Spiritual freedom - You can discover and who you are in God and who God is in you.
iv) Physical freedom
v) Ultimate freedom - the ability to pursue your real genius.
6. Big dream with a life of balance: financially, spiritually, socially, physically.
7. Repeat your top six goals daily:
i) Body: physical goal
ii) Brain: intellectual goal - the books you read, the amount of daily study
iii) Being: spiritual goal - time spend mediating or praying, etc
iv) Time: organizational goals
v) People: concerning the most important people in your life
vi) Money: financial goals
7. Passion list - It is much easier to ride a horse in the direction it's going. To become rich one minute at a time requires that you do what you love doing and you are passionate about it.
8. The size of question determines the size of the result - think high so that you can get more.
2. Live life above the line, learn it - If we get beyond blaming and justifying (Example will be "I would have gotten the job done except that I had travelled all night yesterday and I was too tired to focus on the project today." This is just another form of blaming), there is another level of suboptimal learning. Instead of blaming another person or the circumstance, we blame ourselves. This too reduces the opportunity of learning. Life is a succession of choices. As much as possible is learned from each situation. As a result, the next choice is more likely to be wiser.
3. Abundance is the nature - The universe is fundamentally abundant. There is no shortage, except in our own mind. Who can absorb all the abundance of a magnificent sunset? Abundance means great supply, plentitude, sufficiency, more than enough. Once you own the principle, the results that follow must be abundant. Abundant thinking multiplies, magnetizes, and magnifies whatever is focused upon. As abundance is the nature, nobody can consume all.
4. Givers get - He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly, and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
5. Wealth is freedom - Life is a seminar and you were enrolled at birth. You can't get out of it, even by dying. So enjoy it.
i) Time freedom - Your work is your play and your play becomes your work. You feel comfortable and calm taking time off.
ii) Relationship freedom - You and your loved one will have love and time to explore it.
iii) Spiritual freedom - You can discover and who you are in God and who God is in you.
iv) Physical freedom
v) Ultimate freedom - the ability to pursue your real genius.
6. Big dream with a life of balance: financially, spiritually, socially, physically.
7. Repeat your top six goals daily:
i) Body: physical goal
ii) Brain: intellectual goal - the books you read, the amount of daily study
iii) Being: spiritual goal - time spend mediating or praying, etc
iv) Time: organizational goals
v) People: concerning the most important people in your life
vi) Money: financial goals
7. Passion list - It is much easier to ride a horse in the direction it's going. To become rich one minute at a time requires that you do what you love doing and you are passionate about it.
8. The size of question determines the size of the result - think high so that you can get more.
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