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Monday, May 15, 2006

Finance - Stop Working - Derek Foster

Why retire early? It does not mean do nothing but financially free to do chase after my own's dream. Come up with a list "things to do before I die", such as write a book, make a personal relationship with God, practice piano.

Answers from the Three Wise Men

Warren Buffett - rule of investment
rule#1 don't lose money;
rule#2 remember rule#1;

Investing in what you don't understand is risky.

Peter Lynch - Beating the Street/One up on Wall Street
1) Pick stock that made it onto the "High Dividend Achievers" list
2) Don't invest in a company that a little kid can't understand/Focus on stock that you know and understand well

Picking stocks with good dividend yield in retirment planning will improve cash flow so that we will live through the dividend instead of selling the stocks. This is similar to eating the fruits of a tree instead of cutting down the tree.


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