The purpose of thinking is to arrange our internal world and external world so as to serve and impose our values. The purpose of action is to put that thinking into effect.
It is a function of wisdom to be aware of all the different values involved in a situation. It is a function of wisdom to become aware of the different values of the different parties involved in a situation. It is a function of wisdom eto have some sort of priority of values so that the most important ones get proper attention. It is a function of wisdom to design action so as to satisfy as many values as possible. It is a function of wisdom consiciously to trade off one value against another when both cannot be satisfied.
There are cultural values, local values and family values. Much of the time we go along with these expections becuase such values have indeed become our values or because we fear group disapproval if we do not.
There are spiritual values and religious values. There are material values and achievement values (These have a direct value and an indirect one because they may lead to "recognition", "power" and status, which are also values). There are the basic personal values of emotions, feelings, desires and enjoyment.
Values determine how we see things in the first place. When we are frightened every strange noise is interpreted by perception as a potential problem.
Positive values drive our perception and action. Negative values are the ones we seek to avoid. We seek to avoid pain, discomfort, humiliation, hassile, bad taste, embarrassment, etc.
We seek to avoid insecurity. But we also seek to achieve security.
Values give purpose, meaning, enjoyment and "value' to life. It is the task of wisdom to understand values in perception; in the design of acctionh; in making choices and in judgement.
When you have a violent headache there is no higher value than an aspirin. When the headache is gone then aspirin has a minor security value. So there are values of the moment and values that are more permanent. Because different parties have different values, the skill of a negotiator is to seek, through design, to produce an outcome which accommodates as many of the different values as possible.
It is said that Napoleon found it cheaper to reward his men with medals rather than with more money. Recognition and honour are powerful motivators. They are power values.
Love is a general value stimulator. Love makes food taste better. It is part of wisdom to know that logic never change love. Logic never changes any emotion or feeling.
But perception can change feelings and emotions. If you put forward a possible way of looking at the situation, then perception can change and with it the feeling. If your perception triggers an emotion, then that will also limit your perception. Feelings should come in at the end in order to judge the situation or help design the appropriate action.
Wisdom is very much concerned with values in the following ways:
Awareness - aware of all the different values involved in the situation. You need to have in mind a wide range of "positive values" in order to recongnize them. You need to have previous experience to recognize as values do not declare themselves.
Importancec of values - Not all values are equally important. Some are "essential" and some are "luxury" values. It would be good to have the luxury values but there is an absolute need to have the essential values. There is skill in deciding where the other values are placed along this spectrum.
Design - values are the essential drivers of design. It is not possible to have all the values operating at every stage.
Reconcile - You have to apply your own thinking and almost always applies in negotiation to reconcile competing values and contrary values.
Trade-off - when design has not succeeded in reconciling different values or accommodating different values there may have to be a "trade-off". It is never a matter of ignoring, neglecteing or discarding a value. There should be a conscious decision to give up one value in exchange for another one (trading).
Assessment - part of our assessment is based on whether the suggestion will work at all, part on the cost and investment needed. When a choice or decision has been made it is useful to spell out reasons behind that choice.
Prediction - values are a key part of prediction. If you want to know how some person or some party is going to act,l then you need to know the driving values.
Changing values - values change.
Wisdom is a matter of knowing what the values are, how to cope with them and how to use them.